Grand Prize to "My Favorite War" at the animated film festival in Annency

June 22 2020

On Saturday, 20 June, the animated documentary film “My Favorite War” won one of the grand prizes at the animated film festival in Annecy, France, which is considered to be the world’s largest festival for animated films.

Directed by Norwegian-Latvian Ilze Burkovska Jacobsen, the film is a personal portrait of her childhood in Latvia while the country was part of the Soviet Union. Through a mixture of animation and documentary archive material, the film addresses formidable topics such as loyalty to country and family, growing up in a war, and a child’s encounters with propaganda and an authoritarian ideology.

The film was produced by Trond Jacobsen and Christian Falch. Fritt Ord provided a total of NOK 400 000 in support for the film (from 2012 to 2017).