Loyal or obedient? About freedom of expression at work

November 12 2013

Volda University College’s Faculty of Media and Journalism and the Fritt Ord Foundation invite the public to a full-day seminar on 15 November 2013 at Fritt Ord’s premises at Uranienborgveien 2 in Oslo

The background for the seminar is the increasingly widespread discussion about the relationship between freedom of expression and loyalty at work. Discussing the issue will be a professor of Law from the US, along with Norwegian academics, trade union representatives and the new the secretary-general of the Association of Norwegian Editors.

The event is free of charge and open to the public.


10.00 a.m.: Professor Cynthia Estlund, New York University: Free speech rights that work at work

11.00 a.m.: Attorney Jon Wessel-Aas: Loyalty v. freedom of expression in the workplace in Norway

11.45 a.m.: Researcher Bitten Nordrik: When obedience becomes a skill. About freedom of expression and neo-liberal management methods

1.00 p.m.: Secretary General Arne Jensen, The Association of Norwegian Editors: Silent servants meet mudslingers

1.30 p.m.: Stories from real life
Hans Fjære Øvrum, Management/Statoil: Union representatives who scored 2 in ‘courage’
Boye Ullman, Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions/Coop Gardermoen: The Spanish plumbers who were fired after a TV2 report
Jens Jahren, the Military Officers’ Association: Freedom of expression in the Armed Forces
Gro E. Paulsen, chair of the Norwegian Association of Graduate Teachers: Extolling virtues, reputation building and freedom of expression. Some examples from the education sector.

3.00 p.m.: President Anders Folkestad, Unio