The Fritt Ord Journalism Fellowship at Oxford for 2024

August 24 2023

The Fritt Ord Foundation calls for applications for a 6-month journalism fellowship at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University in England, for a programme starting in January 2024. The deadline for applications is 12 noon on 4 September 2023.

The fellowship is intended for Norwegian journalists with at least five years of journalistic experience. Particularly well-qualified applicants who do not meet these criteria may also be considered. The successful applicant will take part in an international fellowship programme for journalists. The course will focus on practical and theoretical journalistic development, offering opportunities for in-depth study and research.
The fellow will be required to write 6000-8000 words on their topic of choice in the field of journalism or media/media trends. The fellow is required to submit an outline of his or her chosen in-depth topic.
Fritt Ord will cover tuition and travel expenses, in addition to providing a stipend of NOK 70 000/month for housing and living expenses. The total value of the fellowship is approximately NOK 600 000.

The application form is here:
RISJ Application Form Fritt Ord
The application must be written in English and submitted by email to:

Full text of the call for applications:
We are pleased to announce the call for applications for the Fritt Ord Journalism Fellowship for Journalists, which is funded by the Fritt Ord Foundation. It offers a unique opportunity for Norwegian journalists to benefit from a funded fellowship at the University of Oxford.
The Journalism Fellowship Programme at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is aimed at journalists with relevant experience from around the world whose professional work would be enhanced by a period of reflection, research and intellectual exchange with other journalists in Oxford. The Fellowship Programme has run for more than 35 years and has a network of over 500 alumni from 93 countries.
The Fritt Ord Journalism Fellow will spend two terms (from mid-January to mid-July) in Oxford, based at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, where they join a diverse group of journalists from other parts of the world. The fellows attend regular seminars each week and occasional special lectures relating to journalism, and they are encouraged to attend other academic and social events at Oxford University. During their stay in the UK, arrangements will also be made for the fellows to visit several major media organisations such as Thomson Reuters and the BBC.
In addition, the fellows undertake a study project on a topic of their choice, culminating in a paper, in text, audio, visual or otherwise, at the end of their stay.

Each fellow is assigned an academic advisor, usually an Oxford academic specialising in the Fritt Ord Journalism Fellow’s chosen area, for the purpose of this project. To be considered, applicants are asked to submit a proposal which gives details of the proposed research topic related to the media of a country. There is a minimum requirement of 5 years’ professional journalistic experience, but exceptional applicants who do not meet this criterion may be considered. In order to take full advantage of the excellent facilities of the Institute and of Oxford University, evidence of a good working knowledge of spoken and written English is also required. All Institute and University/College fees will be paid by the Fellowship, and the fellows will also receive their travel costs and a modest stipend to cover housing and living expenses directly from the Fritt Ord Foundation.
For additional information, please go to: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

If you have any questions, please contact Senior Adviser Hanne Vorland by email.
Earlier recipients of the fellowship are:

• 2023: Tarjei Leer Salvesen, freelancer and former chief investigative journalist at Fædrelandsvennen
• 2022: Hanne Østli Jakobsen, science journalist and assistant editor of current affairs at the weekly newspaper Morgenbladet
•. 2021: Tor Kjetil Kristoffersen, news editor Finnmark Dagblad
• 2020: ShaziaMajid, journalist at the daily newspaper VG
• 2019: Thea Storøy Elnan, journalist at the daily newspaper Aftenposten
• 2018: Ingerid Salvesen, freelance journalist
• 2017: Heidi Taksdal Skjeseth, foreign correspondent for Dagsavisen
• 2016: Sidsel Dalen, freelance journalist and writer
• 2015: Mah-Rukh Ali, former news anchor on TV2
• 2014: Mikal Hverven Hem and Knut Erik Holm. Hem is a freelance journalist and writer; Holm was chief foreign news editor at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK).

Read more about Tarjei Leer-Salvesenes’ Oxford stay and experience from 2023.
On 23 August, Leer-Salvesen" shared his report at a seminar at Fritt Ord.":/nb/aktuelt/norske-lesere-styrer-ikke-unna-politikk-i-mediene


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