The history competition "My family in history"

March 23 2018

Have you ever wondered about what it might be like to live in another time? Or what it was like to grow up in a society in which the standard of living was much worse than today? Perhaps you have parents or grandparents who have experienced war or great upheavals? Which opportunities and limitations were people subject to in the past? Did they act and think differently from us?

My family in history is being organised by the Norwegian Historical Society (HIFO) with support from the Fritt Ord Foundation. It is open to pupils in lower and upper secondary school. This competition revolves around everyday people, making them the main characters. Pupils are urged to investigate topics such as democracy, war and conflict, changing living conditions, migration and working life in the light of their own family history. Read more at

The deadline for submitting assignments for this school year is 23 March 2018.

The competition is organised annually. The winners of My family in history for the 2016/2017 school year are:

From upper secondary school:
1st prize: Halima Ahmed, Fyrstikkalleen Upper Secondary School
2nd prize: Kamilla Vetrhus, Vardafjell Upper Secondary School
2nd prize: Edel Malene Farstad, Notodden Upper Secondary School
3rd prize: Gabriella Guzmán Leifsen, Oslo Cathedral School
3rd prize: Dagny Aurora Elgethun, Oslo Cathedral School

From lower secondary school:
1st prize: Camilla Brodersen Ringen, Kråkerøy Lower Secondary School
2nd prize: Johan Legreid, Varden Lower Secondary School
2nd prize: Isak Tørring, Hedemarken Free School
3rd prize: Kristine Sofie Kristiansen, Kråkerøy Lower Secondary School
3rd prize: Johannes Henriksen, Kråkerøy Lower Secondary School

Congratulations to all the prize winners!