Fritt Ord's grants for master’s degrees

April 11 2024

Is your master’s project about freedom of expression, social debate or journalism? If so, you can apply for a student grant from the Fritt Ord Foundation.

Is your master’s project about freedom of expression, social debate or journalism? If so, you are entitled to apply for a student research grant from the Fritt Ord Foundation.
The Fritt Ord Foundation invites applications for grants for master’s degree projects that address freedom of expression in the legal sense and/or the culture of freedom of expression in a broader, cultural sense. The role of technology for freedom of expression and the culture of freedom of expression, minorities and other social groups’ relationship to and experience of freedom of expression are also key topics.
We would encourage projects that are critical and analytical. Projects that require support for relevant travel, research and data acquisition will be given priority.
The grants are for NOK 40 000 each.
Applications are to be submitted on the Fritt Ord Foundation’s application form by 3 p.m. on 10 January. Please include the following information: project title, issue for discussion, method and theoretical perspectives employed. Attach a project description, CV, transcripts of academic records and a reference from your supervisor.

The application form can be found in our application centre

Select ‘Application centre’ and the programme ‘Project support – 2025 – Deadline – Student research grants’

There are several deadlines for applications throughout the academic year. This is the last deadline for the 2024/25 academic year. For the 2025/26 academic year, there will be new deadlines in May, September and at year end (dates to be determined).

If you are in doubt about whether you are qualified to apply, contact Joakim Lie, project manager at


No Other Land – special screening at Kunstnernes Hus Kino

November 26 2024

Join us for a special screening of the film No Other Land, announced as one of the most important and influential film of 2024.

Location: Kunstnernes Hus Cinema
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:35 PM

Khalid Albaih and Tetiana Khodakivska

Witnessing War: A Conversation in the BOMBA Exhibition with Khalid Albaih and Tetiana Khodakivska

November 26 2024

Welcome to a conversation with Sudanese political cartoonist Khalid Albaih and Ukrainian filmmaker Tetiana Khodakivska in Dag Erik Elgin’s exhibition BOMBA at the Skylight Halls of Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo on Thursday, December 12, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Frie stemmer Deeyah Khan:

November 24 2024

Dokumentarfilmskaper Deeyah Khan startet sin karriere med å lage en dokumentar om en kvinne som ble utsatt for æresdrap. Filmen ble vendepunktet i hennes anvendelse av ytringsfriheten, sier hun. Khan er basert i London og jobber internasjonalt.

– Det som skiller Norge fra mange andre land, er evnen til å delta i konstruktiv offentlig dialog rundt vanskelige og ofte polariserende temaer. Samtidig kan vi bli flinkere til å inkludere et større mangfold og flere minoritetsstemmer, sier hun.

Intervjuet er på engelsk.

Hilde Gunn Slottemo

Seminar on freedom of expression at the Norwegian Parliament: "Stop talking about technology platforms as though we have no way to control them.”

November 20 2024

“It is possible to regulate technology platforms”, stated former Minister of Culture Trine Skei Grande on 19 November, when the Presidium of the Storting invited the public to a seminar on freedom of expression.
“We are not without options for exercising control”
To protect freedom of expression in a digital era, it is important that we dare to regulate the international technology platforms and social media, and that we are on the alert for the negative effects of artificial intelligence and deep fakes.