Money and Life - Grants for library literature programmes, 2020–2022

March 21 2020

Fritt Ord is announcing grants of NOK 60 000 for communications activities and exchanges of views based on works of non-fiction and fiction on the topic of economics.

What economic consequences will the corona crisis have? How important is financial security for living a good life? Is economics a topic in works of fiction? Will less private consumption save the world from the climate crisis? How do economics affect a country’s ability to deal with crises? What did we learn from the financial crisis in 2008? Is economic inequality the greatest challenge to democracy? What will happen with Norway’s social welfare system when the oil runs out? How do economic factors affect party popularity and election results?

Applications are invited from public libraries, or from individuals or organisations that have an event agreement with a library. It is possible to apply for funding for events such as lectures, seminars, debates and appearances by authors/writers. Applications for funding may refer to individual events or a series of events. The events can be organised at the library or online. Applicants are asked to draft a project outline with details about the topic, activities and time frame. Please attach a budget and funding plan. Initiatives are to be carried out by the end of 2022.

Key words: economic security, the consequences of the corona crisis, child poverty, gross national happiness, equal wages, debt-financed economies, economic crises, civic pay, sharing economy/collaborative consumption, the gig economy, oil-driven economics, the financial crisis, the recession.

Book publications: Capital in the 21st century, Farewell, things, Mum is on the dole, Explaining economics to my daughter, Born with a silver spoon, The feeling of being different, It takes a village, Finally, we can laugh, Moneyland, Bullshit Jobs, Bankruptcy: Norwegian economic crises, Temporary employee, the future of the National Insurance Scheme

Through this call for applications, Fritt Ord seeks to encourage activities that will promote literature and strengthen public libraries as communications arenas. Applications should be submitted using the form on the website, see and choose ‘Applications Centre’. Your application should be labelled “Økonomi/Economics” in the title field.

Deadline for applications: 25 September 2020.

The time frame, deadline and contents have been adjusted relative to the announcement printed in Book and Library, issue no. 2, 2020. For time-sensitive initiatives for communications activities through Norwegian libraries, see Fritt Ord’s ongoing call for applications for extraordinary funding in connection with the corona crisis.


Oskar Kvasnes, Fritt Ord, phone +47 408 53370


No Other Land – special screening at Kunstnernes Hus Kino

November 26 2024

Join us for a special screening of the film No Other Land, announced as one of the most important and influential film of 2024.

Location: Kunstnernes Hus Cinema
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:35 PM

Khalid Albaih and Tetiana Khodakivska

Witnessing War: A Conversation in the BOMBA Exhibition with Khalid Albaih and Tetiana Khodakivska

November 26 2024

Welcome to a conversation with Sudanese political cartoonist Khalid Albaih and Ukrainian filmmaker Tetiana Khodakivska in Dag Erik Elgin’s exhibition BOMBA at the Skylight Halls of Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo on Thursday, December 12, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Frie stemmer Deeyah Khan:

November 24 2024

Dokumentarfilmskaper Deeyah Khan startet sin karriere med å lage en dokumentar om en kvinne som ble utsatt for æresdrap. Filmen ble vendepunktet i hennes anvendelse av ytringsfriheten, sier hun. Khan er basert i London og jobber internasjonalt.

– Det som skiller Norge fra mange andre land, er evnen til å delta i konstruktiv offentlig dialog rundt vanskelige og ofte polariserende temaer. Samtidig kan vi bli flinkere til å inkludere et større mangfold og flere minoritetsstemmer, sier hun.

Intervjuet er på engelsk.

Hilde Gunn Slottemo

Seminar on freedom of expression at the Norwegian Parliament: "Stop talking about technology platforms as though we have no way to control them.”

November 20 2024

“It is possible to regulate technology platforms”, stated former Minister of Culture Trine Skei Grande on 19 November, when the Presidium of the Storting invited the public to a seminar on freedom of expression.
“We are not without options for exercising control”
To protect freedom of expression in a digital era, it is important that we dare to regulate the international technology platforms and social media, and that we are on the alert for the negative effects of artificial intelligence and deep fakes.