
Russia Under Putin

November 29 2018

The Fritt Ord Foundation, The New York Review of Books Foundation and the Russian online journal of politics and culture invite the public to the international conference ‘Russia Under Putin’ on Thursday, 29 November 2018 at Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo. To register your attendance, please e-mail:

Russia Under Putin

November 29 2018

The Fritt Ord Foundation, The New York Review of Books Foundation and the Russian online journal of politics and culture invite the public to the international conference ‘Russia Under Putin’ on Thursday, 29 November 2018 at Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo. To register your attendance, please e-mail:


November 29 2018

Poetry reading with the Russian poets Lev Rubinstein, Kirill Medvedev and Maria Stepanova. Crossing the borders between poetic and political, giving the voice to the contemporary Russian poetry that exists at the cutting edge of the current cultural process. Moderation by Sasha Dugdale. The event will take place at Litteraturhuset / The Oslo House of Literature, on Thursday 29 November at 9 p.m.

Earmarked funding for Norwegian journalism

November 9 2018

The Fritt Ord Foundation is allocating up to MNOK 25 annually for four years for journalistic projects. The MNOK 100 initiative is entitled Norwegian Journalism.

Teachers' seminar: Drawing as a form of expression

November 8 2018

Welcome to a seminar at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises at Uranienborgveien 2, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, 8 November 2018.

Teachers' seminar: Drawing as a form of expression

November 8 2018

Welcome to a seminar at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises at Uranienborgveien 2, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, 8 November 2018.

Seminar with photographer and Magnum legend Raghu Rai

November 2 2018

On Friday, 2 November 2018, from 7 to 8.30 p.m., Fritt Ord and The Norwegian Journal of Photography invite the public to a rare meeting with the legendary Magnum photographer Raghu Rai at Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.

Global Challenges to Freedom of Expression and Ending Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

November 2 2018

Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2, 0258 Oslo, on Friday 2nd November from 9am-2pm.

Global Challenges to Freedom of Expression and Ending Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

November 2 2018

Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2, 0258 Oslo, on Friday 2nd November from 9am-2pm.

Seminar with photographer and Magnum legend Raghu Rai

November 2 2018

On Friday, 2 November 2018, from 7 to 8.30 p.m., Fritt Ord and The Norwegian Journal of Photography invite the public to a rare meeting with the legendary Magnum photographer Raghu Rai at Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.

Raghu Rai - An Unframed Portrait: Screening and Conversation

November 1 2018

The Fritt Ord Foundation, Piraya Film and Norwegian Journal of Photography invite the public to a unique screening of Raghu Rai – An Unframed Portrait, and a conversation between the photographer Raghu Rai, director Avani Rai and VII photographer Linda Bournane Engelberth.

Raghu Rai - An Unframed Portrait: Screening and Conversation

November 1 2018

The Fritt Ord Foundation, Piraya Film and Norwegian Journal of Photography invite the public to a unique screening of Raghu Rai – An Unframed Portrait, and a conversation between the photographer Raghu Rai, director Avani Rai and VII photographer Linda Bournane Engelberth.

Fritt Ords Honnør tildelt Odd Isungset

October 31 2018

Fritt Ord Foundation Oxford grant for 2019 awarded to Thea Storøy Elnan

October 24 2018

At the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Thea Storøy Elnan will be investigating whether the #metoo campaign has changed the way in which journalists in Norway, Sweden and the UK write about sexual harassment and the victims of abuse. What consequences has the #metoo campaign had on press ethics? How professional are the media in their coverage of incidents of sexual harassment and, in the wake of the campaign, how aware are journalists of the real price people pay when they come forward and talk about such experiences?

Odd Isungset receives Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute

October 22 2018

Oslo, 23 October 2018

Leaving extremism behind - film screening and conversation

October 16 2018

Sant og Usant, Fritt Ord, Oslo Documentary Cinema, the Consortium for Research on Terrorism and International Crime and the Centre for Research on Extremism (C-REX) invite the public to a screening of the documentary film Exit, followed by a discussion. Meet former left- and right-wing extremists and members of Jihadist movements from Germany, Denmark and France for a discussion after the film.