
This year's new participant in FutureLab Europe

December 16 2016

The FutureLab Europe programme focuses on young people between the ages of 20 and 30 who would like to take part in debates and influence the future of Europe. One member of this year’s group of 20 individuals from all over Europe is Norwegian Stine Solvoll Navarsete. She will be heading for Brussels in January 2017 to participate in FutureLab’s annual forum.

Kierulf og Solhjell inn i Fritt Ords styre

December 8 2016

Speech for the Free Media Award laureates, on behalf of the jury

November 29 2016

Speech by Jury member, Martin Paulsen, at the award dinner at Restaurant Funicular in Tbilisi, Georgia, Friday, 25 November 2016.

Norwegian schools of thought - Images of the world and self-images in the 2000s

November 29 2016

Is Norway among the best in the world both at facilitating peace and at participating in war in other countries? Do the public and leadership have a plan for dealing with terrorism, refugee crises, the administration of mass immigration and the preservation of the welfare state?

The "Free Media Awards" Presented in Tbilisi

November 25 2016

Earlier this week, the Free Media Prizes for Independent Journalism in Eastern Europe were presented by the Fritt Ord Foundation and the ZEIT Foundation at the Free Media Awards ceremony at the Goethe Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia. The event took place on 24 – 25 November 2016. In addition to the awards ceremony, there was an international conference for journalists featuring lectures and debates on sustainable, independent journalism, monitoring and journalistic standards.

The establishment of the foundation artica Svalbard

November 16 2016

Press release from Ministry of Cultural Affairs, 17 November 2016

The conference PUBLIC CALLING

November 1 2016

Fritt Ord Foundation and KORO – Public Art Norway / URO invite to the conference PUBLIC CALLING, at the National Theatre in Oslo, Norway.

Enemies of the people

October 25 2016

Seminar for upper secondary school teachers

Enemies of the people

October 25 2016

Seminar for upper secondary school teachers

Karim Ben Khelifa: "The Enemy" – a virtual journey through war and conflicts

October 24 2016

Fritt Ord and the Norwegian Journal of Photography invite the public to a seminar featuring the Belgian-Tunisian photojournalist Karim Ben Khelifa on Monday, 24 October 2016, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Fritt Ord Foundation, Uranienborgveien 2 in Oslo.

Technology and the Human Future

October 20 2016

The New York Review of Books Foundation and Fritt Ord invite the public to the conference ‘Technology and the Human Future’, 20–21 October 2016 at Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.

HIFO's history teacher seminar 2016 - My family in history

October 14 2016

On 14 – 15 October 2016, HIFO will organise a seminar for history teachers who want to use the History Competition “My family in history” in their teaching. The seminar will take place at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises in Oslo.

HIFO's history teacher seminar 2016 - My family in history

October 14 2016

On 14 – 15 October 2016, HIFO will organise a seminar for history teachers who want to use the History Competition “My family in history” in their teaching. The seminar will take place at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises in Oslo.

Editor-in-chief of Store norske leksikon.

September 30 2016

{image-1}Store norske leksikon is looking for a new editor-in-chief. See the call for applications here. Please note: in Norwegian only.

The drones see you

September 27 2016

The Norwegian Polytechnic Society, the Research Council of Norway and the Fritt Ord Foundation invite the public to a debate on 27 September at 4.00 p.m.

Know no shame!

September 15 2016

“We are the shameless Arab girls, and our time is now”, wrote Nancy Herz this past April. She is chairing a debate on 15 September at the Chapter Festival, with young politicians and social commentators who dare to challenge their surroundings. Meet them and get ideas about how you can make your voice heard, find allies and gather the courage to take part in debates.