
Dugma – The Button and images of the enemy

March 14 2016

Dugma – The Button and images of the enemy
The Fritt Ord Foundation and Medieoperatørene invite the public to a screening of the new documentary film Dugma – The Button by Director Pål Salahdin Refsdal, on Monday, 14 March 2016, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Uranienborgveien 2 in Oslo. The screening will be followed by a conversation about images of the enemy between Pål Salahdin Refsdal and Thomas Hegghammer, a researcher at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. Lene Bomann-Larsen, a philosopher who is research manager at the Norwegian Military Academy, will moderate the session.

Olivia Arthur and Eugene Richards: The photograph and the instruments at hand

March 10 2016

The Fritt Ord Foundation and the Norwegian Journal of Photography (NJP) invite the public to a seminar featuring photographers Olivia Arthur and Eugene Richards on Thursday, 10 March 2016, from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. at Uranienborgveien 2 in Oslo.

Try, err, learn. Games as hype or Holy Grail?

March 2 2016

Is there too much optimism associated with the use of computer games in teaching? What possibilities and challenges do the games offer, and is there a difference in the learning effect between commercial games and educational games?

Try, err, learn. Games as hype or Holy Grail?

March 2 2016

Is there too much optimism associated with the use of computer games in teaching? What possibilities and challenges do the games offer, and is there a difference in the learning effect between commercial games and educational games?

Censorship on the agenda

March 1 2016

The Fritt Ord Foundation’s Competition for Upper Secondary Schools is in the process of being launched. The Fritt Ord Foundation hopes to contribute to carving out a stronger position for discussions of freedom of expression and issues of democracy in Norwegian classrooms. What is the status of freedom of expression in schools for students and teachers when it comes to sensitive topics?

Call for nominations for the 2016 Free Media Award

February 26 2016

The Fritt Ord Foundation and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius hereby invite nominations of journalists, bloggers, Internet media and newspapers for the 2016 Free Media Award.

"Talibanistan" by Anders Sømme Hammer – a preview screening and discussion

February 22 2016

The Fritt Ord Foundation invites the public to a preview screening of the documentary film “Talibanistan” by Anders Sømme Hammer on Monday, 22 February 2016, from 7.00–9.00 p.m. at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo. The screening will be followed by a discussion between Anders Sømme Hammer and Kristian Berg Harpviken, director of PRIO. “Talibanistan” is a documentary about the serious situation in Afghanistan, where the director has met and conducted in-depth interviews with seven members of the Taliban in the field, war victims and activists.

"Talibanistan" by Anders Sømme Hammer – a preview screening and discussion

February 22 2016

The Fritt Ord Foundation invites the public to a preview screening of the documentary film “Talibanistan” by Anders Sømme Hammer on Monday, 22 February 2016, from 7.00–9.00 p.m. at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo. The screening will be followed by a discussion between Anders Sømme Hammer and Kristian Berg Harpviken, director of PRIO. “Talibanistan” is a documentary about the serious situation in Afghanistan, where the director has met and conducted in-depth interviews with seven members of the Taliban in the field, war victims and activists.

Taboo and wahoo. A debate on youth and self-censorship.

February 17 2016

The Fritt Ord Foundation and Si ;D invite the public to a panel discussion on Wednesday, 17 February, from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. at the Fritt Ord Foundation, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.

Video, Truth, and Expression in the Age of YouTube

February 16 2016
Human Rights, Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival, Witness, and Fritt Ord invite the public to the seminar Video, Truth, and Expression in the Age of YouTube, Tuesday 16 February, 2016, at 14:00-16:00 at Cinemateket (Oslo).

Jihad: A British Story by Deeyah Khan. Film screening and panel discussion

February 10 2016

Free Word in collaboration with Fritt Ord and the Royal Norwegian Embassy invites the public to a screening of Jihad on Wednesday 10 Feb 2016, 6:30pm in the Free Word Lecture Theatre, 60 Farringdon Road, London.

Digital Lives - War in Games

January 27 2016

How is war portrayed in computer games, and why is the topic so widespread? Games like Battlefield and This War of Mine give completely different portrayals of war. The one is intended to offer entertainment and action, while the other allows the player, in a role as a civilian victim, to experience some of war’s worst suffering and dilemmas.

Freedom of expression and political tolerance

January 26 2016

The Fritt Ord Foundation and the Institute for Social Research invite the public to a launch seminar from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, 26 January 2016, at Uranienborgveien 2 in Oslo.

Ane Hjort Guttu: "Time Passes" – Oslo premiere

January 25 2016

Fritt Ord hosts the Oslo premiere of Ane Hjort Guttu’s film Time Passes on Monday the 25th of January 18.30-20.30 at Filmens hus (in Tancred). The screening is followed by a conversation between Guttu and Mike Sperlinger, professor at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO). Welcome by Bente Roalsvig at Fritt Ord. “Time Passes” explores the relationship between art and politics, and looks at the public attitude towards poverty.

Ane Hjort Guttu: "Time Passes" – Oslo premiere

January 25 2016

Fritt Ord hosts the Oslo premiere of Ane Hjort Guttu’s film Time Passes on Monday the 25th of January 18.30-20.30 at Filmens hus (in Tancred). The screening is followed by a conversation between Guttu and Mike Sperlinger, professor at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO). Welcome by Bente Roalsvig at Fritt Ord. “Time Passes” explores the relationship between art and politics, and looks at the public attitude towards poverty.

Nominations for the Freedom of Expression Foundation Prize 2016

January 25 2016

Each year, Fritt Ord awards the Freedom of Expression Foundation Prize to individuals or institutions that have shown civil courage and worked to defend and strengthen freedom of expression and the conditions for it in Norway, especially by encouraging dynamic debate.