The launch of the documentary film “A Gift from God”

September 26 2019

NB! The screening has been moved to Klingenberg Kino. Tickets already picked up are still valid.

Integral Film and the Fritt Ord Foundation invite the public to the launch of the documentary film “A Gift from God” at 6 p.m. on Thursday, 26 September at Klingenberg Kino in Oslo. The film is the result of three years of intensive investigative journalism. Following the film, there will be a Q&A session with Henri Barkey from the USA, who appears in the film, and directors Nefise Özkal Lorentzen and Jørgen Lorentzen. Ingerid Salvesen will act as moderator.

The film is 60 minutes long, and the event will last from 6.00 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. It is free of charge. Online reservations are not being taken, so tickets must be picked up at the Saga Cinema on a first come, first serve basis.

After the failed coup attempt in Turkey on 15 July 2016, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan struck back hard at his adversaries. Several hundred thousand teachers, journalists, health care workers and military personnel were fired from their jobs, and thousands have been sentenced to long-term or lifetime imprisonment. Completely new documents and revealing never-before-shown film footage will be shown. Through the voices of the people who were witness to that dramatic night, the film shows what really happened.

The film also addresses Turkey’s troubled relationships with NATO and Europe. President Erdogan has accused the USA of being involved in the attempted coup, as he moves more closely to Russia. If this continues, it will entail a dramatic geopolitical shift. The film shows how Turkey has changed significantly since the attempted coup.


No Other Land – special screening at Kunstnernes Hus Kino

November 26 2024

Join us for a special screening of the film No Other Land, announced as one of the most important and influential film of 2024.

Location: Kunstnernes Hus Cinema
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:35 PM

Khalid Albaih and Tetiana Khodakivska

Witnessing War: A Conversation in the BOMBA Exhibition with Khalid Albaih and Tetiana Khodakivska

November 26 2024

Welcome to a conversation with Sudanese political cartoonist Khalid Albaih and Ukrainian filmmaker Tetiana Khodakivska in Dag Erik Elgin’s exhibition BOMBA at the Skylight Halls of Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo on Thursday, December 12, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Frie stemmer Deeyah Khan:

November 24 2024

Dokumentarfilmskaper Deeyah Khan startet sin karriere med å lage en dokumentar om en kvinne som ble utsatt for æresdrap. Filmen ble vendepunktet i hennes anvendelse av ytringsfriheten, sier hun. Khan er basert i London og jobber internasjonalt.

– Det som skiller Norge fra mange andre land, er evnen til å delta i konstruktiv offentlig dialog rundt vanskelige og ofte polariserende temaer. Samtidig kan vi bli flinkere til å inkludere et større mangfold og flere minoritetsstemmer, sier hun.

Intervjuet er på engelsk.

Hilde Gunn Slottemo

Seminar on freedom of expression at the Norwegian Parliament: "Stop talking about technology platforms as though we have no way to control them.”

November 20 2024

“It is possible to regulate technology platforms”, stated former Minister of Culture Trine Skei Grande on 19 November, when the Presidium of the Storting invited the public to a seminar on freedom of expression.
“We are not without options for exercising control”
To protect freedom of expression in a digital era, it is important that we dare to regulate the international technology platforms and social media, and that we are on the alert for the negative effects of artificial intelligence and deep fakes.