Fritt Ord launches anthology about computer games

August 24 2016

Fritt Ord invites the public to the launch of the computer game anthology “Digital Life – new words about gaming” and to the awards ceremony on Thursday, 1 September, at 8 p.m. at the Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology, Industry and Medicine The 10 texts that are accepted will be published at, one each day, from 23 August to 1 September.

In autumn 2015, Fritt Ord invited the public to a renewed debate about gaming as a phenomenon, culture and social criticism. In collaboration with the editorial boards of Spillpikene and Pressfire, we have wanted to bring to the fore new voices that can share fresh thoughts about an important cultural expression. The campaign has consisted of a series of debates and an essay competition.

We have received texts from teenagers, students and mature adults for the anthology Digital Life; from the parents of gamer children and from parents who are gamers. Of 180 entries, there are 10 finalists. The following texts have been accepted:

  • Lasse W. Fosshaug – Turn on, drop in, Fallout. Published on 23 August
  • Lene E. Westerås – Emergency landing with Candy Crush. Published on 24 August
  • Peder Gjersem – Fag stands for faggot. Published on 25 August
  • Sofus Fredriksen Greni– Fall out – A travelogue. Published on 26 August
  • Emil Hammar – Digital slaves. Published on 27 August
  • Halvard Grimnes Haga – A better world. Published on 28 August
  • Frode Andersen – The white whale. Published on 29 August
  • Cecilie Ofstad – When I play, I always want to seek out the connections. Published on 30 August
  • Lise Lien – After office hours. Published on 31 August
  • Jon Cato Lorentzen – Breivik and me. Published on 1 September

The texts have been illustrated by Sandra Blikås, Magnus Voll Mathiassen, Kristian Hammerstad, Jon Arne Berg, Robin Snasen Rengård, Hanne Berkaak, Peter John de Villiers and Anette Moi.

The entries show that computer games have been important companions for different types of players, often over a long period of time. The ability of a computer game to create strong connections in a fragmented world has been mentioned by many. We have become acquainted with enthusiasts who make a problem of there being too much gaming, and with sceptics who are entreated to try gaming themselves – and like it. Many of the contributions selected for the anthology manage to strike a nerve in respect of the experience of gaming. The experience can touch something that is both good and bad, but the intensity is invariably strong. The fact that so many of the contributions have literary qualities is a welcome bonus.

The goal of Digital Life has been to bring to the fore voices and opinions that can serve as individual, critical and investigative approaches to a popular activity. We have wanted to get past entrenched positions and open an unbiased and critical debate with a sense of nuance.

The texts have been selected by an editorial board consisting of Maren Agdestein, former editor of the blog, Mathias Fischer , commentator in the newspaper Bergens Tidene, Jarle Hrafn Grindhaug , journalist at and Kristine Jørgensen, gaming researcher at the University of Bergen. The best text will win NOK 25 000, while the other texts selected will win NOK 5 000 each.

The launch of the anthology and the announcement of the winner of the writing competition will take place Thursday, 1 September at the Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology, Industry and Medicine. The event will begin at 8 p.m. in the Amphi, and is just one of many exciting items on the programme for the LATE Independent Games Festival. Read more here.


Civitates' Tech & Democracy open call

March 6 2025

Civitates – The European Democracy Fund is a pooled philanthropic fund that was set up in 2018 for the sole purpose of addressing democratic decline and closing civic space in Europe. The case for confronting these threats is growing increasingly urgent. Fritt Ord Foundation is one of the initiators and partners of Civitates.

Civitates has launched its Tech and Democracy open call to support organisations working to ensure safer, more inclusive online spaces (social media platforms, search engines etc.) by improving the enforcement of EU tech regulations at the national level.

This open call offers a unique opportunity to strengthen civil society’s role in holding the tech sector accountable, with a focus on key EU regulations such as the Digital Services Act, GDPR, AI Act or the European Media Freedom Act to name a few.

Call for nominations: Free Media Awards 2025

March 3 2025

In collaboration with the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS of Hamburg, the Fritt Ord Foundation has allocated the Free Media Awards annually since 2004 to Eastern European journalists and media that defy every obstacle to tirelessly ensure independent press coverage. Russia’s war against Ukraine and the subsequent wave of disinformation clearly demonstrates the need for independent reporting in the region. Journalists and media in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine and Hungary that promote freedom of the press through their investigative and independent reporting are eligible to be nominated for the Free Media Awards.

Art and Institutions: “I Demand a Museum to Feel its Own Floors Tremble When Other Museums are Destroyed in War”

February 12 2025

Saturday 22 February 2025 at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, from 14.30 to 16.30 h.

Conversation with Adam Budak (Poland/Germany), Stefanie Carp (Germany), Matej Drlička (Slovakia), Andrea Geyer (USA) og Sarah Lookofsky (USA/Norway). Ingerid Salvesen is moderator.

Across the world, cultural institutions are under increasing pressure. Censorship, self-censorship, drastic funding cuts, and political and sponsorship interference are on the rise. Former and present institutional directors – with personal experiences of political pressure, cancellation and censorship from different geographic contexts – will discuss the limitations and capacities of art institutions in the present.

Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute to Sara Gaulin

February 5 2025

Sarah Gaulin (30) is being awarded the Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute for her courageous and principled defence of freedom of expression in the face of extremism, gang crime and negative social control.
As a prominent voice, Gaulin has drawn attention to some of the most demanding and controversial social challenges of our time.