
New website about whistle-blowing and freedom of expression at work

June 19 2017

This week, the Fritt Ord Foundation launched a new website about whistle-blowing and freedom of expression at work. features a collection of relevant information about whistle-blowing and freedom of expression at work all in one place. Here, you will find information about research and news, guidelines and legislation, as well as links to relevant organisations that are working with whistle-blowing. This information is currently spread across many different websites. Fritt Ord has recognised the need for a comprehensive list of the information available about whistle-blowing and freedom of expression in Norway’s world of work.

Fritt Ord awards 10 new grants to critics

June 16 2017

The Fritt Ord Foundation recently awarded 10 new annual grants to critics in the amount of NOK 200 000 each for the period from August 2017 to August 2018.

Boundaries of the public sphere: Do exclusion and self-censorship pose a threat to freedom of expression?

June 9 2017

The Institute for Social Research and Fritt Ord invite the public to the Closing Conference for the project entitled ‘The Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway 2015–2017’ and the launch of the book Boundary Struggles: Contestations of Free Speech in the Norwegian Public Sphere at the House of Literature, Friday, 9 June 2017, 10.30 a.m.-3.45 p.m.

Boundaries of the public sphere: Do exclusion and self-censorship pose a threat to freedom of expression?

June 9 2017

The Institute for Social Research and Fritt Ord invite the public to the Closing Conference for the project entitled ‘The Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway 2015–2017’ and the launch of the book Boundary Struggles: Contestations of Free Speech in the Norwegian Public Sphere at the House of Literature, Friday, 9 June 2017, 10.30 a.m.-3.45 p.m.

The Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway 2015–2017 - some main findings from the book

June 8 2017

Press Release, 8 June 2017

Islam in Norway - Young voices

May 29 2017

Fritt Ord invites the public to attend the event entitled “”“>Islam in Norway – Young voices on freedom of expression, identity, equality and acceptance of faith”, Monday, 29 May, 7.00 p.m.-9 p.m. at the House of Literature.

Islam in Norway - Young voices

May 29 2017

Fritt Ord invites the public to attend the event entitled “”“>Islam in Norway – Young voices on freedom of expression, identity, equality and acceptance of faith”, Monday, 29 May, 7.00 p.m.-9 p.m. at the House of Literature.

Utlysning: Den gode kritikken 2017

May 19 2017

Extra funds for journalism in 2016

May 12 2017
The Fritt Ord Foundation invites applications for the programme ‘Quality Journalism in a New Era’. Up to 10 MNOK will be awarded annually in 2016 and 2017.

Fritt Ords Pris 2017 tildelt Dag og Tid

May 8 2017

In 2017, the Free Media Awards are awarded to Meydan TV, Zaruhi Mejlumyan, Anton Naumlyuk and Sergei Jolkin

May 3 2017

Press release – World Press Freedom Day, 3 May 2017

Samtale om spillkritikken og lansering av boka “Spillmagi”

May 2 2017

Samtale om spillkritikken og lansering av boka “Spillmagi”

May 2 2017

A city divided?

April 26 2017

social media, conversations and debates? Is there anything to our prejudices? Are we more alike than we think, or are there actually big differences?

A city divided?

April 26 2017

social media, conversations and debates? Is there anything to our prejudices? Are we more alike than we think, or are there actually big differences?

Fritt Ords Pris 2017 til avisa Dag og Tid

April 24 2017