
Call for applications: FutureLab Europe 2015 – The Council of Young European Citizens

February 8 2015

FutureLab Europe was established in 2011 as a cooperative project among 10 European foundations (European Alliance for Democratic Citizenship), including Fritt Ord. The programme focuses on engaged young people between the ages of 20 and 30 who would like to take part in debates and influence the future of Europe. The deadline for applications is 16 March 2015.

Fritt Ord Foundation competition: Freedom of expression's heroes and anti-heroes

February 4 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation competition for upper secondary school students is introducing a new topic for the 2014/2015 school year: “The Heroes and Anti-heroes of Freedom of Expression”. We invite pupils to contribute texts or media productions that examine and introduce their hero or anti-hero.

Konflikt. Mangfold. Uenighet. Hva betyr ytringsfrihet for deg?

February 3 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities and the Rafto Foundation organises teachers' conference

January 28 2015

NJP calls for new photographers

January 27 2015

Documentary photography in Norway has experienced a pronounced renaissance over the last decade, establishing its position as a self-standing genre, autonomous from Art and press photography. Owing to the Fritt Ord Foundation’s support for the Norwegian Journal of Photography (NJP), a growing number of Norwegian photographers have had a new platform to showcase their independent, long-term projects to both national and international audiences.

Artists' accountability in public and in the political sphere. Follow up of the principles involved in the Handke debate

January 24 2015

On Saturday, 24 January 2015, the Fritt Ord Foundation will examine in more detail the principle aspects of the debate about the controversial award one of the world’s most coveted theatre prizes, the International Ibsen Award, to Peter Handke. The conference is intended to shed light on the relationship between art, politics and freedom of expression in a broad sense.

Ytringsfriheten under angrep. Debatt på Litteraturhuset lørdag 10. januar kl. 16

January 10 2015

Fremtidens kunnskapsmiljø

December 17 2014

Den besværlige framtiden. Om tenketanker og andre tanker.

December 10 2014

Fritt Ords presseprisvinner Khadija Ismayilova arrestert i Aserbajdsjan

December 9 2014

Full-day seminar for teachers in Bodø on freedom of expression and democracy

November 27 2014

Welcome to a seminar in Bodø on Thursday, 27 November 2014 from 9.30 a.m. – 3.39 p.m. at the Stormen Library and House of Literature.

Presentation of the final Report on the Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway

November 19 2014

Along with partners from the University of Oslo (Dept. of Media and Communication), FAFO, TNS Gallup, and attorney Jon Wessel Aas, ISF’s researchers presented their report on “The Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway” today at the closing session of the full-day conference arranged at the House of Literature on the Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway, the Fritt Ord Foundation’s monitoring project.

Without the social media, I would not have had the voice I have today

November 19 2014

Seasoned female online debaters claim that one must be thick-skinned and endure unpleasantness if one wants to take part in debates on the social media. Over time, some women become more reticent about utterances they know can be provocative, according to a recent report that is part of the project ‘Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway’.

The Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway - closing conference and launch of the main report

November 19 2014

19 November marks the conclusion of the project “The Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway – the Fritt Ord Foundation’s monitoring project” with a full-day conference at the House of Literature. The researchers will be presenting chapters from the main report, and summarising the findings from the project, which has been in progress since autumn 2013.

BRITDOC’s Impact Producer Lab in Finland

November 10 2014

In preparation for Good Pitch Europe in the Nordic countries, BRITDOC is hosting an Impact Producers Lab in Finland from January 7th-9th 2015, specifically for Nordic professionals. Closing date for applications is 21st November 2014.

Film premiere: ‘1989’

November 5 2014

The Fritt Ord Foundation and Substans Film invite the public to the Oslo premiere of the film ‘1989’, from 7.45 – 10.30 p.m. on 5 November, at the Fritt Ord Foundation, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.