
Youth|Literature|Library: Literature programmes at libraries 2015–16

June 19 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation announces a call for applications for grants of NOK 50 000 each for literature programmes at libraries that target for youth from 13-19 years of age. Examples include funding for communications activities aimed at non-fiction, fiction and comic strips through meetings with writers, writing courses, debates, reading circles or online communications activities. At the same time, we are open to original ideas for presenting topics other than literature.

Footage from the event "What is the climate for debate like in the Scandinavian countries?"

June 9 2015

The Free Word Foundation’s event on Scandinavian public spheres took place on Tuesday 9 June at 7 p.m.-9 p.m. A great thanks to everyone who attended! The footage from the debate can be viewed below.

Welcome by Knut Olav Åmås, Executive Director of the Fritt Ord Foundation

Good criticism

May 22 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation announces a call for applications for 10 annual grants of NOK 200 000 each for critics who write for daily or weekly newspapers, or who supply reviews to TV/radio. The new grant scheme will provide aggregate funding of MNOK 6 over a three-year period.

Fritt Ord Foundation grants awarded to 10 seasoned critics

May 22 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation has now awarded the first 10 grants for critics in the amount of NOK 200 000 each. “We received no fewer than 58 applications, far more than we had expected. Many of the applicants are extremely well qualified”, reports Georg Fr. Rieber-Mohn, Chair of the Fritt Ord Foundation Board.

At the Gates/In Transit: Photo exhibition and seminar at the main Deichman Library

May 16 2015

The photo exhibition “At the Gates/In Transit”, sponsored by the Fritt Ord Foundation, can be seen at the main Deichman Library for the rest of this week. The exhibition focuses on refugees and asylum-seekers in Greece and Finland, and it is part of the project “”">Fortress Europe – from a Youth Perspective".

Cass Sunstein in Oslo

May 12 2015

Professor Cass Sunstein will be holding the annual Vilhelm Aubert Memorial Lecture and be speaking at open seminars in Oslo on Tuesday, 12 May.


May 8 2015

We invite the public to a launch party for the second edition of the NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY (NJP) on Friday, 8 May 2015, at 6.00 p.m. at the Fritt Ord Foundation, Uranienborgveien 2 in Oslo, to celebrate all the photographers and to present their photo projects:


May 4 2015

​Blasphemy, freedom of expression and freedom of the press – free as long as no one is offended?

The Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute Ceremony

April 28 2015

At a ceremony held at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises on 17 April, the initiators of the Ring of Peace were awarded the Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute for their unique demonstration that mobilised a large number of citizens to form a protective ring around Jews in Norway.

Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute to the Ring of Peace

April 17 2015

The young Muslim initiators behind the Ring of Peace are awarded the Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute for their unique demonstration that mobilised a large number of citizens to form a protective ring around the country’s Jews.

Fritt Ord Foundation Competition 2015

April 16 2015

The three winners of the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for upper secondary school pupils were celebrated today, Thursday, 16 April, at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises. The prizes were awarded by Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen. Speeches were given by Knut Olav Åmås, Executive Director of the Fritt Ord Foundation, Guri Hjeltnes, Trustee of the Fritt Ord Foundation and Henrik G. Bastiansen, Chair of the Prize Committee.

Prisutdeling - Ytringsfrihetens helter og antihelter

April 16 2015

Pre-screening of CITIZENFOUR

April 15 2015

Fritt Ord, Oslo Documentary Cinema, Tour de Force and weekly newspaper Ny Tid invite the public to a pre-screening of the Oscar winning documentary film CITIZENFOUR, Wednesday 15 April at 5.30 p.m. at Victoria Kino, Oslo.

epea 02: The New Social - opening of the exhibition in Hamburg

March 31 2015

31 March 2015 will mark the opening of the photo project epea, the “European Photo Exhibition Award 02: The New Social” at the House of Photography/Deichtorhallen in Hamburg.

Good Pitch Europe

March 25 2015

BRITDOC, supported by Fritt Ord Foundation and other Nordic partners are bringing Good Pitch Europe to Norway on March 25th 2015.

Six Journalists and Media Outlets Honoured for Critical Journalism during the Crisis in Ukraine

March 9 2015

Press Release, 9 March 2015