
Call for applications: The Fritt Ord Foundation's monitoring project on the status of freedom of expression in Norway
Over the past 10 to 15 years, issues involving freedom of expression have come more and more to the foreground at the national and international levels. While legal limitations have diminished, generally speaking, freedom of expression has to a greater extent come to the attention of the general public, owing to its controversies, corrections, suppressions and blow-outs. Strong political and religious conflicts at the international level appear to have provoked a myriad of antagonisms in the field of freedom of expression. The Internet has raised new issues. More attention has been devoted to the position of freedom of expression in legislation and case law, the media, artistic and cultural life, private companies, government agencies, schools and universities, organisations, etc.

The evangelist in the meeting house – Christian voices in Norway
The Fritt Ord Foundation invites the public to a film screening and talk at Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo, on Monday, 10 December 2012, from 5 to 7 p.m., featuring Elisabeth Kleppe, film director with Aldeles, Bergen, Espen Ottosen, preacher, chief information officer for the Norwegian Lutheran Mission and columnist in the newspaper Aftenposten, and Frank Rossavik, author and commentator in the newspaper Bergens Tidende. Moderator: Turid Rogne, film producer with Aldeles, Bergen.

Tibet – a burning desire for freedom
The Fritt Ord Foundation invites the public to a seminar and debate from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, 29 November 2012 at Uranienborgvn. 2 in Oslo, featuring the following participants:

Fritt Ord's web site blocked in China in advance of Tibet seminar
Press release 29. november 2012

European Photo Exhibition Award 01: European Identities
Disparity in Norway
The Norwegian Polytechnic Society and the Fritt Ord Foundation invite the public to three meetings at the House of Literature under the title ‘Disparity in Norway’. The meetings will be held on Tuesdays on 9, 23 and 30 October 2012, from 7 to 9 p.m., at Wergelandsveien 29 in Oslo.

A Microbial Perpective on Life on Earth
The Science Library and the Fritt Ord Foundation invite the public to a lecture in the Georg Sverdrup Building, Aud. 1, Blindern Campus, University of Oslo, at 2.15 p.m. on Friday, 2 November 2012.

ALL THAT IS BANNED IS DESIRED – World Conference on Artistic Freedom of Expression
The Oslo Opera House, 25 and 26 October 2012

Fritt Ord Foundation embarks on a project to monitor the status of freedom of expression in Norway
The Fritt Ord Foundation organised a brainstorming and discussion meeting on Wednesday, 21 November 2012, regarding a new project for which funding will be announced in early December this year.

Overrekkelsen av Fritt Ords Honnør til Nina Johnsrud 22.11.12

We live in on a star
22 July in a major exhibition to be held at the Henie Onstad Art Centre in collaboration with the Fritt Ord Foundation

The Public Sphere after July 22: Freedom of Expression in the Age of online Politics
The Department for Northern European Studies at Humboldt University and Fritt Ord invite the public to the mini-conference “The Public Sphere after July 22: Freedom of Expression in the Age of online Politics” at The Grimm Centrum Auditorium, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 3, Berlin, on Monday, 5 December 2011

Your personal genome
The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board and the Fritt Ord Foundation invite the public to an open discussion entitled “Your personal genome” at Håndverkeren, Rosenkrantz’ gate 7, Oslo, from 11.30 a.m.–3.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 29 November 2011.

Universities under Attack
What exactly is under attack and who are the attackers? The ‘radical reform’ of our university system is of long duration and has its origins in the Thatcher years. We should not forget that in January 1985 Oxford’s Congregation voted 738-319 to deny Mrs. Thatcher an honorary degree on the grounds that her government had ‘done deep and systematic damage to the whole public education system in Britain’. In succeeding decades ‘reform’ has been driven forward by governments of all political persuasions, but it is less well understood that many of these reforms have been undertaken in alliance with, and in the interests of, British business.

Erik Rudeng appointed as the new Chair of the EFC
Fritt Ord’s Director Erik Rudeng is appointed as the new Chair for the European Foundation Centre (EFC) 2011–2014.