The Fritt Ord Foundation's deadlines for applications in spring 2020

April 1 2020

In connection with the corona pandemic, on 17 March 2020, Fritt Ord announced a call for applications for MNOK 40 in extraordinary grants. The call is for applications for projects related to the situation created by the corona crisis. The first deadline for the extraordinary call for applications was 31 March.

The following deadline applies for the next round of applications:

3 p.m. on Thursday, 30 April

Extraordinary call for applications in connection with the corona crisis
note: Label the application “Extraordinary grants 2020” in the title field.

3 p.m. on Tuesday, 5 May

Ordinary applications (e.g. for documentary films, documentary photos, festivals, conferences and seminars, theatre projects, manuscript development and the publication of factual prose. Refers to projects not created in response to the corona crisis or projects that have changed significantly due to the crisis).
Ordinary applications need not be labelled – merely write name of the project in the title field.

3 p.m. on Friday, 8 May

Norwegian Journalism
Please note: Label the application “Norwegian Journalism” in the title field.

3 p.m. on Friday, 8 May

The Fritt Ord Foundation’s grants for critics: Good Criticism 2020 – 2021
note: Label the application “Grant for critics” in the title field.

Applications for the same project should not be submitted in response to different calls for applications. If you forget to label your application, do not re-submit it, but rather notify Fritt Ord by sending an email to: We will correct it manually.

Since these deadlines are close together, please submit your application as close as possible to the relevant deadline.