Norwegian Journalism

The Fritt Ord Foundation annonced in 2017 a new programme for Norwegian journalism. The Foundation is allocating up to MNOK 25 annually for four years for journalistic projects, with six annual application deadlines.

For quite some time, the Fritt Ord Foundation has had media and journalism as one of its core target areas. In the current demanding situation being experienced by the media, and thereby by the public sphere as a whole, we aspire to do even more to support and promote high-quality journalism in several fields.

Application requirements

The initiative is completely open when it comes to topics. When applying for project support, journalists, editors and editorial staffs are free to choose the topics and contents of their projects. The Foundation’s goal is to help facilitate projects that can become important parts of the social debate for as many people as possible.

The projects are intended to target the general public. Applicants may use any publication platform, and are encouraged to be multi-medial. Any independent, editor-driven publication with Norwegian media users as its target group may apply. News rooms and individuals may both apply, but all support is to go to named individuals. We are open to new forms of cooperation between several editorial boards/groups of journalists, and freelancers with publication agreements are invited to apply.

We aspire insofar as possible to support work on the content to be published, while providing less support for operating expenses, technical development projects and the acquisition of equipment.

We ask that applicants submit project outlines that are 3 to 5 pages long, and as specific as possible. Project outlines should include a schedule, a description of the content (e.g. in the form of a list of articles or a publication plan/schedule) and a list of project team members with a five-line resume for each of them. We also ask for an attachment detailing other sources of funding, if any, as well as own efforts and an overall project budget.

Freelancers are asked to provide a brief verification of their publishing agreement and the level of remuneration provided by the editorial board(s) that will be publishing the project. Please note that an allocation is intended to be in addition to a fee, and that funds you receive from Fritt Ord are not to be used to reduce the level of the fee you receive.

Label the application “Norwegian Journalism” in the title field.

Next deadline for apllications are September 16, at 3 pm.
For guidance with the application process, contact our staff:

Hanne Vorland, phone +47 23014640
Elin Lutnæs, phone +47 23014649

Or contact Executive Director Knut Olav Åmås directly at

Link to the press release about the initiative from September 2017.

In addition to the funding set aside for Norwegian Journalism, grants will be made to central, journalism-related fields such as documentary films, documentary photos and journalistic factual prose. These will continue to be important priorities for Fritt Ord in the ordinary rounds of applications and they are not under the purview of this scheme.


 Fake images. On the left, a fake illustration of Pope Francis. On the right, a fake of presumptive US presidential candidate Donald Trump. Photos from NTB/Phil Holm and

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Earmarked funding for Norwegian Journalism

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The Fritt Ord Foundation will be granting up to MNOK 25 annually for four years for journalistic projects. This MNOK 100 initiative is entitled Norwegian Journalism.

Earmarked funding for Norwegian journalism

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The Fritt Ord Foundation is allocating up to MNOK 25 annually for four years for journalistic projects. The MNOK 100 initiative is entitled Norwegian Journalism.

Fritt Ord to grant MNOK 100 to promote Norwegian journalism

September 5 2017

Press release – 5 September 2017

Extra funds for journalism in 2016

January 6 2016
The Fritt Ord Foundation invites applications for the programme ‘Quality Journalism in a New Era’. Up to 10 MNOK will be awarded annually in 2016 and 2017.