Articles of Association

Articles of Association for the Fritt Ord Foundation
Founded on 7 June 1974


THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION, OSLO is a a private non-profit foundation, cf. §3 below.


THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION’S basic capital totals NOK 1 billion, and cannot be used for grants.


The paramount object of THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION is to protect and promote freedom of expression and the environment for freedom of expression in Norway, especially by encouraging lively debate and the courageous use of free speech.

THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION can also support other aspects of Norwegian culture, primarily those which promote free speech.

In special cases,THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION can help promote freedom of expression in other countries.

THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION’S contribution will be the awarding of THE FRITT ORD PRIZE and THE FRITT ORD TRIBUTE, and direct support for special projects in response to applications or on the Foundation’s own initiative.


THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION is managed by a Board of Trustees consisting of seven to nine members. The trustees are to be elected on a free basis, cf. §5, no. 1. The trustees must share the fundamental views on which THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION is based.

The election of trustees will normally take place at the general meeting. The term of office is four years. Trustees are eligible for a maximum of two additional terms, i.e. 12 years in all. No one may be re-elected for a new term after age 70. The onset of the term of office of trustees elected/re-elected outside the framework of the general meeting will be calculated as from the next general meeting.

The Board’s decisions are taken by simple majority, notwithstanding see §6. The Board has a quorum when at least four trustees are present. In the event of a tie vote, the Chair has the casting ballot. Board meetings will be convened when so requested by at least two trustees. Otherwise, the Chair can convene meetings as required. Valid decisions can also be taken outside Board meetings, e.g. by telephone and/or written contact among the trustees.

The Board will keep minutes of its discussions and decisions.


Bearing in mind the Objects Clause of THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION,
the Board will:
1. appoint members to the Board pursuant to §4;
2. elect the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Board;
3. represent THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION externally and be responsiblefor ensuring that the institution and its property are managed in a satisfactory manner;
4. appoint a business manager for THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION and decideon instructions for the business manager;
5. elect an auditor, who shall be chartered or government-authorised;
6. present the annual report and financial statements,
7. stipulate the trustees’ remuneration,
8. adopt the decisions otherwise required to run THE FRITT ORD FOUNDATION.


When a question is raised about whether a trustee should be recused during discussions of an item on the agenda, cf. §7, second subsection of the Foundation Act, the trustee shall not take part in the discussion about recusal.

If a trustee is deemed to be disqualified in a case, the individual in question will leave the Board room. When a trustee is recused, decisions on whether to award financial support, a tribute or a prize require unanimity on the part of the Board.

When a trustee is recused because the trustee or a closely related party has a significant personal or financial interest in the outcome of a matter, the trustee should put the question to the Board of whether the case should be discussed at all. Where a case involves a direct financial contribution to a party closely related to a trustee, the case shall not be put before the trustees.


These Articles of Association can be amended pursuant to the provisions of Norway’s foundation legislation.

Originally adopted on 7 June 1974. Subsequently amended: 6 October 1982, 1 October 1987, 18 January 1989, 6 February 1990, 30 October 1997, 22 February 2001, 24 September 2003, 29 January 2012, 14 March 2013, 9 March 2020