The Fritt Ord Youth Competition

The Fritt Ord Youth Competition for upper secondary school is an annual competition that invites pupils to submit entries about freedom of expression and democracy. A special topic is selected each year, and participants’ entries can be submitted either in the form of a text or a media production.

Pupils can participate on their own or as part of classroom activities. They can work individually or in groups, and pupils are invited to submit entries in different genres: Audio, video or online productions, essays or articles. The Fritt Ord Foundation organises seminars for teachers and offers school visits and supervision for participants. Feel free to contact Fritt Ord if you are an upper secondary school teacher and have questions about the competition. All entries are considered by a jury consisting of researchers, teachers and journalists.

Joakim M. Lie, project manager for the Fritt Ord Youth Competition
Mobile: +47 915 60770


Scrolling and gaming: Prejudices against screen culture

January 19 2024

Tvibit and Fritt Ord invite the public to a debate and talk at Tvibit in Tromsø (address: Parkgata 27) at 4.30 p.m. on Friday, 19 January, prior to the documentary film ‘Ibelin’ about the gamer Mats Steen, which will be screened that evening at 7.15 p.m. at the Tromsø Film Festival. The event is open to all.

Young voices in the social debate: Seminar for upper secondary school teachers

November 2 2021

Welcome to an inspiring pre-Christmas event hosted by Fritt Ord. The day will be devoted to two of the most important issues needed to keep up to date academically, i.e., citizenship and democracy.

Reminder: The deadline for entering the 2021 Fritt Ord competition is 15 March

February 19 2021

The Fritt Ord Youth Competition is an annual competition that invites students to submit entries on topics related to freedom of expression and democracy. This year’s topic is 22 July 2011. The deadline for entering is 15 March 2021.

New anthology of texts about 22 July

October 30 2020

In commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 22 July 2011, Fritt Ord and Foreningen !les are working together to make a free anthology featuring excerpts from books about 22 July.

The Young People's Freedom of Expression Council. From the top left: Steve Contreras, Katrine Opheim, Ask Berglund, Anna Dordisdatter Malkenes, Eliana Hercz, Henrik Stokken, Samara Isak, Sara El-Hasan, Agnes Nordvik, Marianne Knudsen, Sheila Kassim, John-Egil Magga, Bibi Fatima Musavi, Oliver Stavik, Haydarali Nawrozi and Nikita Amber Abbas. Photo: Private

This is the Young People's Freedom of Expression Council

September 4 2020

Sixteen young people have now been chosen to participate in the Young People’s Freedom of Expression Council. They will meet over the next year to survey the status of freedom of expression in their own age group, and to make specific suggestions for how to get more young people engaged in the public debate.

22 July is the topic for the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition

August 27 2020

Fritt Ord invites schools to address the topic of 22 July, and to submit entries for the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School.

Call for applications: Come join the Young People's Freedom of Expression Council!

June 15 2020

Are you between the ages of 16 and 26 and interested in freedom of expression and social debate?

Crisis, free speech and the desire to write - seminar on Friday, 1 November

November 1 2019

How about getting a jump start on the interdisciplinary topic “Democracy and citizenship”? Fritt Ord and the National Association for Norwegian Teaching invite the public to a seminar on CRISIS, free speech and the desire to write, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, 1 November at Fritt Ord’s premises in Oslo.

Winners named in the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition

June 7 2019
Four winners have been named in the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School, and four entries won diplomas for honourable mention.

Fritt Ord Youth Competition: Drawing as a Form of Expression

March 1 2019

Drawing as a form of expression can be simple or complicated; it can be political or just for fun and entertainment. A drawing can unite or tear apart. A drawing can illustrate a moment in time or tell a whole little story, be it fictitious or documentary. We invite you to submit texts, drawings, comic strips and/or media productions that deal with drawing as a form of expression.

Teachers' seminar: Visual inspiration and technical specialisation

February 7 2019

How to do research and learn more using visual aids in subjects such as Norwegian, History and Social Science? Pupils live in a visual world – can we use visual aids more actively in school? Welcome to a seminar for upper secondary school teachers.

The Tower - film screening and panel discussion

February 7 2019

The Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School and invite the public to a screening of the animation film “The Tower” (2018) – and to a discussion with the filmmakers Mats Grorud and Frode Søbstad.

Teachers' seminar: Drawing as a form of expression

November 8 2018

Welcome to a seminar at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises at Uranienborgveien 2, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, 8 November 2018.

Cartoons between the political and the personal

September 20 2018

The Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary Schools launched this year’s topic, “Drawing as a form of expression”, with an event at the Chapter Festival in Stavanger, at 6 p.m. on Thursday, 20 September.

Awards ceremony for the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School

April 12 2018

Welcome to the awards ceremony for the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School, on Thursday, 12 April, at 2 p.m. at Uranienborgveien 2. There will be a formal and enjoyable celebration with speeches, finger food, and entertainment provided by music students from Foss Upper Secondary School.

A record 255 entries in the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School

March 6 2018

1 March was the deadline for entering the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School. The theme of this year’s competition was “Propaganda”, and entries have covered a variety of genres: audio, video and online productions, essays and articles.

Propaganda: Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School 2017

March 1 2018

The Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School is an annual competition that invites pupils to submit entries about freedom of expression and democracy. This year’s topic is propaganda. Write a text or make a media production about the many faces of propaganda. Feel free to be concrete and address issues in the local community, in Norway or in the world, past or present.

Lærerseminar: Kildebevissthet og kritisk tenkning i en polarisert tid

December 1 2017

Propaganda - Seminar for lærere i videregående skole

November 15 2017

Pris til tre bidrag om folkefiender

April 20 2017

Call for applications: Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for upper secondary school 2017

March 1 2017

The Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for upper secondary school is an annual competition that invites pupils to submit entries about freedom of expression and democracy. This year’s topic is ‘enemies of the people’.

Enemies of the people

October 25 2016

Seminar for upper secondary school teachers

Awards ceremony, Fritt Ord Foundation Competition 2016

April 19 2016

Thanks to all those who submitted contributions to the 2016 Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for upper secondary school students. We received many exciting texts and media productions on censorship in both direct and indirect forms, featuring many good observations about digital surveillance, freedom of information, self-censorship and rebellion against established truths.

Censorship on the agenda

March 1 2016

The Fritt Ord Foundation’s Competition for Upper Secondary Schools is in the process of being launched. The Fritt Ord Foundation hopes to contribute to carving out a stronger position for discussions of freedom of expression and issues of democracy in Norwegian classrooms. What is the status of freedom of expression in schools for students and teachers when it comes to sensitive topics?

Prisutdeling - Ytringsfrihetens helter og antihelter

April 16 2015

Fritt Ord Foundation Competition 2015

April 16 2015

The three winners of the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for upper secondary school pupils were celebrated today, Thursday, 16 April, at the Fritt Ord Foundation’s premises. The prizes were awarded by Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen. Speeches were given by Knut Olav Åmås, Executive Director of the Fritt Ord Foundation, Guri Hjeltnes, Trustee of the Fritt Ord Foundation and Henrik G. Bastiansen, Chair of the Prize Committee.

Veiledningsdag: kan bidraget ditt bli enda bedre?

February 9 2015

Fritt Ord Foundation competition: Freedom of expression's heroes and anti-heroes

February 4 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation competition for upper secondary school students is introducing a new topic for the 2014/2015 school year: “The Heroes and Anti-heroes of Freedom of Expression”. We invite pupils to contribute texts or media productions that examine and introduce their hero or anti-hero.

The Fritt Ord Foundation, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities and the Rafto Foundation organises teachers' conference

January 28 2015

Full-day seminar for teachers in Bodø on freedom of expression and democracy

November 27 2014

Welcome to a seminar in Bodø on Thursday, 27 November 2014 from 9.30 a.m. – 3.39 p.m. at the Stormen Library and House of Literature.

Heldagsseminar for lærere om ytringsfrihet, demokrati og tekstforming

October 23 2014