Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions related to Fritt Ord’s activities, or questions about your application, feel free to contact us by email at, or by telephone at +47 230 14646.

The pandemic has affected my project. What do I do?

Please read these instructions: The coronavirus situation: Grants for activities that are cancelled/postponed

What kind of projects are supported by Fritt Ord?

See the lists of Fritt Ord’s grants to see what kind of projects have received funding previously, or consult the guidelines for applications. The latter discusses a number of categories of projects that qualify for Fritt Ord funding, but this list is not exhaustive.

What is the most important factor when Fritt Ord considers an application?

The project description is the most important part of the application. It is incumbent upon the applicants themselves to convince the Foundation that a project’s form and content are well thought through and feasible, that the topic is of general interest, and that the final result contributes something new to the public sphere.

Is it possible to submit a new application before a previously supported project is completed?

Yes, but it is recommended that when submitting a new application, you submit a separate status report on the project that is ongoing. Feel free to mention in the new application that the status report has been submitted.

Is it possible to get more support for a project that has already received funding?

In exceptional cases, new funding is granted for projects that have already received support from Fritt Ord. In the event, you must submit a report on the use of the funding that has already been awarded. In addition, you must explain why you need an additional grant. Please contact Fritt Ord for more information about this. Naturally, it is acceptable and often necessary to raise partial funding from other sources.

Is it possible to apply for funding for the same project several times, even if an application has been rejected?

It is only possible to apply for a previously rejected project if you submit a significantly improved, updated project description. For an application to be reconsidered, the project should include new elements.

Are grants from Fritt Ord taxable?

Project funding can be considered entrepreneurial income, but we recommend that recipients of grants contact the Norwegian Revenue Service themselves to clarify with them how project funding should be reported.