Exhibition at the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca – 25 November 2012 to 6 January 2013 – Lucca
Gabriele Croppi, from the series 'Metaphysics of an Urban Landscape
Series of photos by Catarina Botelho, José Pedro Cortes, Gabriele Croppi, João Grama, Monica Larsen, Frederic Lezmi, Pietro Masturzo, Hannah Modigh, Davide Monteleone, Linn Schröder, Marie Sjøvold and Isabelle Wenzel. The exhibition will open at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo on 8 March 2013.
The photo essay ‘Metaphysics of an Urban Landscape’, by Gabriele Croppi which was produced for the European Photo Exhibition Award – “European Identities” was awarded first prize in the category Architecture – Building of the 2012 International Photography Award.
Gabriele Croppi, from the series 'Metaphysics of an Urban LandscapeEPEA – the European Photo Exhibition Award – aims to create a free space where socially relevant issues concerning Europe are developed and discussed by talented young photographers. The topic of epea 01 is “European Identities”. It refers to current questions of cohesion and unity as well as aspects of diversity within Europe and gives the photographers the opportunity to focus on individual, social, political, cultural, national and transnational issues. In their observations, analyses and statements the twelve appointed photographers translated this deliberately open topic into a photo essay.
Gabriele Croppi, from the series 'Metaphysics of an Urban LandscapeThe highly varied completed essays are presented in a catalogue and also in a touring exhibition throughout Europe at renowned exhibition venues, offering the up-and-coming photographers the opportunity to present themselves at a prestigious location.
The project is co-organized by four foundations: Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Fritt Ord and Körber-Stiftung.
Curators: Rune Eraker, Sérgio Mah, Enrico Stefanelli and Ingo Taubhorn.