Norwegian journalist to Oxford: The Preben Munthe Fellowship

18. september 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation sponsors half a year of study and research in Oxford for a Norwegian journalist. The fellowship will be given to a journalist ordinarily resident in Norway. The fellow will spend six months at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University, commencing January 2016.

Closing date for applications: Friday 18 September, 2015 at noon.

We are pleased to announce the call for applications for the Preben Munthe Fellowship for journalists sponsored by the Fritt Ord Foundation. This gives a unique opportunity for Norwegian journalists to benefit from a funded fellowship at the University of Oxford.

The Journalism Fellowship Programme at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is aimed at journalists with suitable experience from around the world whose professional work would be enhanced by a period of reflection, research and intellectual exchange with other journalists in Oxford. The Fellowship Programme has run for 32 years and has a network of over 500 alumni from 93 countries.

Applications should be made in English and submitted to the Fritt Ord Foundation by e-mail to:

RISJ Application Form 2015 (pdf)

The Preben Munthe Fellow will spend two terms (from mid-January to mid-July) in Oxford based at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, where they join a diverse group of journalists from other parts of the world. The fellows attend regular seminars each week and occasional special lectures relating to journalism, and they are encouraged to attend other academic and social events at Oxford University. During their stay in the UK arrangements are also made for the fellows to visit several major media organisations such as Thomson Reuters and the BBC.

In addition, the fellows undertake a study project on a topic of their choice, leading to the completion of a 6,000-8,000 word paper at the end of their stay. Each fellow is assigned an academic advisor, usually an Oxford academic specialising in the Preben Munthe Fellow’s chosen area, for the purpose of this project. To be considered, applicants are asked to submit a proposal which gives details of the proposed research topic related to media of a country. There is a minimum requirement of 5 years’ professional journalistic experience, but exceptional applicants who do not meet this requirement may be considered. In order to take full advantage of the excellent facilities of the Institute and of Oxford University, evidence of a good working knowledge of spoken and written English is also required. All Institute and University/College fees will be paid by the Fellowship, and the fellows will also receive their travel costs and a modest stipend to cover housing and living expenses directly from the Fritt Ord Foundation.

For questions, please contact Hanne Vorland at

For additional information, please go to: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Preben Munthe (1922-2013) chaired the Fritt Ord Foundation from 1981 to 2000. As professor of economics, state mediator and chair of private companies and government commissions, Munthe was for many years a prominent personality in Norway.


Kunsten og institusjonene: "Jeg vil ha et museum som kjenner sine gulv skjelve når andre museer ødelegges i krig"

12. februar 2025

Lørdag 22. februar 2025 på Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, kl. 14.30–16.30

Samtale med Adam Budak (Polen/Tyskland), Stefanie Carp (Tyskland), Matej Drlička (Slovakia), Andrea Geyer (USA) og Sarah Lookofsky (USA/Norge). Ingerid Salvesen er moderator.

Over hele verden utsettes kulturinstitusjoner for økende press. Sensur, selvsensur, drastiske økonomiske kutt og politisk og kommersiell innblanding er på fremmarsj. Tidligere og nåværende institusjonsledere – med personlige erfaringer med politisk press, kansellering og sensur i ulike geografiske kontekster – vil diskutere kunstinstitusjoners begrensninger og muligheter i dag.

Sarah Gaulin holder tale ved Fritt Ords honnør, 18. februar 2025.

– På tide å legge bort berøringsangsten for æreskultur

18. februar 2025

– Når vi ser en økning i rapporter om æreskultur, er det på høy tid å legge bort berøringsangsten, sa samfunnsdebattant Sarah Gaulin da hun tirsdag 18. februar mottok Fritt Ords Honnør.
– På vegne av styret i Fritt Ord vil jeg takke deg for frihetskampene du kjemper og toleransekulturen du fremmer. Vi vet at det har kostet, men du har aldri gitt opp, sa Sylo Taraku, styremedlem i Fritt Ord.

Sarah Gaulins tale ved Fritt Ords Honnør

18. februar 2025

Kjære Fritt Ord, kjære alle sammen

Det er en stor ære å stå her i dag og dele denne viktige dagen med dere. Denne prisen betyr mer for meg enn jeg kan uttrykke med ord, fordi min livsreise har vært alt annet enn forutsigbar.

Sylo Taraku – Tale ved Fritt Ords Honnør til Sarah Gaulin 18. februar 2025

Sylo Taraku – Tale ved Fritt Ords Honnør til Sarah Gaulin

12. februar 2025

Da Fritt Ord kunngjorde at Sarah Gaulin var tildelt Fritt Ords honnør, skrev hun dette på Facebook:

«Jeg føler meg utrolig heldig som bor i Norge og har muligheten til å jobbe med det jeg brenner for. Hadde jeg bodd i Iran, landet jeg ble født i, ville jeg aldri hatt de samme mulighetene.»

Hun nevnte her både hvor privilegert hun er, men også at hun vil fortsette kampen.