The Rise and Fall of Fake News

17. oktober 2017

The Fritt Ord Foundation and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters invite the public to a conversation about fake news, fact-checking and public trust, on Tuesday 17 October 2017, 5 p.m., at Uranienborgveien 2.

In 2016, Oxford Dictionaries declared post-truth its international word of the year, and defined it as the state of affairs when “objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” PolitiFact named fake news its 2016 “Lie of the Year”. Since then, the term has lost much of its initial meaning and content in the public debate.

Has the proliferation of fact-checking services strengthened people’s trust in the media? What does effective counter-measures look like? How can fact-checkers and people in general secure accurate information? How do readers, editors, journalists and politicians combat the routinely spreading of false or misleading stories? How to negate confirmation bias, i.e the tendency to search for, interpret, favor and recall information in a way that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs or values?

To discuss these topics, we have invited a panel of national and international experts:

  • Tuva Ahlsen lives and attends school in Fredrikstad. She is passionate about new, digital media, and is a member of the advisory board of the Norwegian Safer Internet Centre, an organization under The Norwegian Media Authority. She is the national coordinator for the centre’s work on safer digital spaces for children and youth.
  • Gunn Enli is professor of media studies at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo. She teaches and does research in the fields of media policy, political communication, participatory media, and mediated authenticity.
  • Michael Patrick Lynch is professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, where he directs the Humanities Institute. He is the author or editor of several books, including The Internet of Us.
  • George E. Marcus is professor of political science at Williams College. He received his B.A. from Columbia University. His M.A. and PhD. are from Northwestern University. His current research is on the role of emotion in democratic politics.
  • Per Søreide Senstad studies international relations and political theory at King´s College London. He is writing his dissertation on how technological disruptions can constitute a challenge to the legitimacy of liberal democracy as a form of government.

Moderator: Kjersti Løken Stavrum

The event is free of charge and open to the public.It is hosted in conjunction with a two-day Academy Symposium on fake news and alternative facts. Read more about this event at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters website.



Mr. Nobody Against Putin

4. mars 2025

Fritt Ord og Human inviterer til norgespremiere og visninger av «Mr. Nobody Against Putin» på Vega Scene og Cinemateket i Oslo under årets Human internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestival. Den amerikanske filmregissøren David Borenstein står bak filmen i samarbeid med Pavel Talankin fra Russland som er medregissør. Det er fire visninger:

Mandag 10. mars 2025 kl. 17.30 på Vega 1 (utsolgt), mandag 10. mars kl. 18.15 på Vega 2 (utsolgt), mandag 10. mars kl. 18.30 på Vega 3 (billetter) og torsdag 13. mars kl. 20.45 på Cinemateket, Tancred (billetter) med introduksjon av Helle Faber, som er dansk produsent, før filmen.

Civitates' Tech & Democracy open call

6. mars 2025

Civitates – The European Democracy Fund is a pooled philanthropic fund that was set up in 2018 for the sole purpose of addressing democratic decline and closing civic space in Europe. The case for confronting these threats is growing increasingly urgent. Fritt Ord Foundation is one of the initiators and partners of Civitates.

Civitates has launched its Tech and Democracy open call to support organisations working to ensure safer, more inclusive online spaces (social media platforms, search engines etc.) by improving the enforcement of EU tech regulations at the national level.

This open call offers a unique opportunity to strengthen civil society’s role in holding the tech sector accountable, with a focus on key EU regulations such as the Digital Services Act, GDPR, AI Act or the European Media Freedom Act to name a few.

Skolelever i Oslo spiller dataspill, 2023.

Nordmenn stadig mer positive til dataspill

5. mars 2025

17 prosent har fått et mer positivt syn på dataspill det siste året. Seks av ti spiller dataspill, og én av tre spiller dataspill ukentlig. Samtidig rangeres feltet lavere i status enn blant annet bøker og musikk.
– Dataspill fortjener mer oppmerksomhet og debatt, sier Joakim Lie i Fritt Ord.

– Dataspill er også kunst

4. mars 2025

– Problemet med altfor mange mediesaker om dataspill er at de starter med setninger som “dataspill har kommet en lang vei siden Pac-Man”, sukker den amerikanske dataspillkritikeren Jacob Geller.

– La oss bare være enige om at dataspill faktisk er en kunstform og et kulturuttrykk – og se på verkene som en del av kunst- og kulturhistorien.